Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Small Roadblock

There was a bit of a roadblock with the bird embroidery project.  Turns out the embroidery hoop I have isn't quite big enough.  So, that project is on hold for now.

I did however stitch up this Pegasus and Unicorn from Badbirds' pattern.  I plan on using these two cuties for a couple presents I need to make for two little girls.  The birthday party is this weekend and I'm still not exactly sure what I'm going to do with them. 
Don't you love getting mail?  I do.  Well, not the bills, the fun kind.   I got the sweetest package yesterday from the lovely Melanie of Texas Freckles.  She sent little squares of gorgeous fabrics and a few hexies she made.  These will all be incorporated into my hexagon quilt eventually.  Thank you Melanie!
This afternoon my two-year-old daughter brought me this drawing.  When I asked her what it was a picture of, she said "It's you mommy."  Isn't that sweet?  In real life I'm not quite so wide-eyed and nervous looking.  :)


  1. I love the embroidrey thats my new goal to learn! mY girls make pictures of "me" that look very similar soo cute

  2. Your embroidery is precious and so is your daughter's drawing. My nine year old painted a picture of me recently - you've inspired me and maybe I should share it.

    Enjoy the fabrics. It warms my heart to know that you like them. :-)

  3. Ladies, ladies, before you lose the picture or whatever time does to us; please consider turning your child's drawing into a little pillow that you somehow (don't know that??) transfer to fabric and stitch!

    Nice to meet you Christina and just such a sweet little drawing!


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